Walking the trails at Marsh's Falls Nature Reserve
What's Happening
A letter from our President
Beaver drama in the wild
Thank you to our donors
Visiting Marsh's Falls Nature Reserve
Harriet T. Weaver Bursary - help Muskoka students
Summer nature events - mark your calendar!
Annual General Meeting - August 16
A letter from our President, Margaret Casey
Hello there, I’m your new LBHF President, selected by the Board after Judith Mills stepped down from the job after many years of contribution and hard work. (Happily, Judith continues as an active member of the LBHF Board.)
I’m writing to introduce myself, share some personal thoughts about the importance of the Foundation and its work, and provide a quick update on our strategic activities for 2025.
Our planet Earth faces many complex disruptions at once. Some call it a polycrisis. Faced with this, I believe the best thing most of us can do is protect what we treasure. For me, much of that is rooted in Lake of Bays. In 1958 my parents rented a cottage on a small lake near Baysville and at the end of our holiday bought property on Lake of Bays. Since then I have summered on Lake of Bays every summer but one. I feel that the area has long been part of my DNA. I aim to give back by protecting the habitat of the insects, animals and plants that live here. And I’m grateful to the many hundreds of LBHF members and
supporters who feel the same way.
I learned the importance of maintaining resilient natural communities in another volunteer experience thirty years ago. Our goals were simple:
Protect what is healthy.
Restore what is degraded.
Take responsibility for the future of what we treasure.
During the coming months the Foundation Board will revisit our strategic plan, which is due for renewal this year. We will explore some exciting new opportunities for land and habitat protection. And we will continue working together to protect the significant natural areas in the Lake of Bays watershed and Township. We expect to have more to say about all these initiatives soon.
I look forward to seeing you at LBHF events this spring and summer, including the Annual General Meeting on August 16. And I invite you to contact me anytime with your comments and questions at info@lakeofbaysheritage.ca
Thank you for your ongoing contributions and support.
Margaret Casey President, Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation
Beaver drama in the wild
As you may recall, last spring we introduced a stunning video of wildlife thriving and wandering about the Marsh’s Falls Nature Reserve. The MFNR wildlife cameras
are an important tool in monitoring and documenting species on the property.
We are trying different camera locations and today we follow up with a thrilling 3-panel photo strip. The first two images are of beaver hard at work constructing a lodge. The third image is where the drama happens: a hungry winter predator sniffing around the lodge site. Check it out, we bet you will have no trouble naming the animal.
We thank the many donors who have responded so generously to our fall fundraising and extend a warm welcome to new and renewing members. Your donations support our conservation, land acquisition, stewardship and educational programs that protect the natural and community heritage in the Lake of Bays region.
The Foundation’s bylaw states that anyone who donates $40 is an annual member for the calendar year. Any individual or couple who donates $1000 or more in any one year becomes a permanent Life Member. There are various levels of permanent membership based on cumulative donations.
We acknowledge the following permanent members who recently made significant donations:
The Nature Reserve has four kilometres of public-access trails that feature spectacular views of the Lower Oxtongue River. With fresh snow conditions are ideal for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. If you are interested in using the trails please register your visit here. You will receive an email with a trail map, details on winter parking and information on the Nature Reserve. Registering is important for liability reasons as well as the collection of data for grant applications. Thank you Kelly Stronks for the photo!
News We are excited to be adding eight educational interpretive panels on the trails this summer! Topics such as turtles, oxbows, pollinators and the historical significance of the property will be covered. More details about this educational signage will be coming soon.
Harriet T. Weaver Bursary An effective way to
help Muskoka's students
Each year the Foundation awards two bursaries to graduating high school students who will pursue studies in earth sciences, environmental studies, ecology, zoology, biology, botany, geography or history. One goes to a Bracebridge Muskoka Lakes Secondary grad, the other to a Huntsville Highschool grad.
Brink Weaver initiated the annual Bursary in memory of his mother Harriet. Twenty-one bursaries have been awarded since then, attaining a value of $1000 in 2024. In thank you notes to the Foundation, recipients have consistently noted that the bursary meaningfully supported their ability to pursue their dreams and aspirations.
Postsecondary education costs continue to rise, complicated by the need for Muskoka students to pursue studies away from their families. Anything we do to help makes a difference.
Today, postsecondary students are acutely aware of many threats in their futures. This bursary helps students who want to make a difference for our planet.
The Weaver Bursary depends on sustained support from Foundation members. Should you wish to contribute please e-transfer to donations@lakeofbaysheritage.caand note in the comment box to direct the amount to the Weaver Trust Fund.
Summer nature events - mark your calendar!
Our nature events are lots of fun, open to everyone and great for all ages. They are led by local naturalists and take place on weekend mornings.
May 3 - Dr Cathy Charles Bird Count, Marsh's Falls Nature Reserve July 5 - Butterfly Count, Marsh's Falls Nature Reserve July 26 - Silent Boat Rally on the Lower Oxtongue River August 23 and 30 - Mushroom Forays, Bondi Village trail and Sherborne Lake
Please mark your calendar for our AGM on Saturday August 16. Each year we profile a Lake of Bays community in video and a printed booklet. We will announce our 2025 community soon!
Fifteen communities around the lake have been documented to date. We invite you to explore this rich heritage through our interactive map that allows you to select any of these heritage communities. Our 2024 addition was the Garryowen community.