Fundraising update. No appeal decision yet.
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Langmaid's Island Appeal Update

Hello Members and Supporters

Thank you to the many people who supported the Lake of Bays Association and the Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation through the Local Planning Appeals Tribunal (LPAT) hearing regarding Langmaid’s Island Corp’s (LIC) proposed development of Langmaid’s Island. The hearing took place virtually from February 1 to March 5 and was presided over by LPAT Executive Chair, Mr. Gregory Bishop. We believe that the 60 or more people who attended the hearing each day gave Mr. Bishop an appreciation of the community opposition to this proposed development. We were well represented by our lawyer, Mr. Harold Elston, environmental planner, Dr. Derek Coleman and land use planner, Mr. Stephen Fahner. Additionally, we appreciated the support of the other opposing parties; The Town of Huntsville, the Township of Lake of Bays and Kelly Zytaruk; and the ten participants who wrote passionate letters opposing the development.

We have not yet received Mr. Bishop’s decision and no specific timeline for the decision was provided. In the meantime, we remain hopeful that there will be a positive outcome.

If we are not successful and Mr. Bishop approves the LIC proposal to develop Langmaid’s Island, the Township of Lake of Bays Official Plan will be amended to permit the development of the island and the wording of the natural heritage policy governing Langmaid’s Island will be changed. A Phase 2 hearing would then be held to approve the Plan of Subdivision under the jurisdiction of the District of Muskoka. Many of the concerns identified by the Lake of Bays Association (LOBA) and the Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation (LBHF) throughout the hearing are details that would be addressed in the Phase 2 hearing, such as:

  • mechanism for protection of conserved lands through a land trust or public body
  • minimizing community impacts of parking areas, barging and shuttle operations
  • conditions that will determine building envelopes for septic systems and structures

Protecting a Muskoka Heritage Area is an Expensive Undertaking
LOBA and LBHF have worked jointly to protect Langmaid’s Island since 2018 when LIC proposed a development of 36, later 32 lots. From 2018 to the end of 2020, we spent $100,000 in consulting fees to assist us in assessing the development proposal, providing our input to planning authorities, seeking party status for the LPAT hearing and guiding us through a mediation process. This cost was shared evenly with funds from LOBA’s Action Fund and the LBHF General Fund. In January 2021, in advance of the hearing, we launched a joint appeal for donations to the LBHF Langmaid’s Protection Fund. Based on the best estimates of the time required, we set a goal of $100,000 and were overwhelmed when our members and supporters donated almost $120,000. Thank you.

Due to the complexity of the case, the actual time spent was more than anticipated. We are satisfied that our consulting team did what was necessary to prepare for and represent our position as strongly as possible and we have no regrets. However, the total invoices were higher than estimated leaving a shortfall of $65,576 of which each organization is responsible for half or $32,788.

Considering our options
We have considered a number of options to address this shortfall including additional fundraising. However, if development of the island is approved and we determine it is in our collective best interests to participate in Phase 2, a further fundraising effort will be necessary to cover legal and planning advice, and representation. Therefore, our respective boards have approved using the LOBA Action Fund and the LBHF General Fund to cover the shortfall. We thank all our members for your ongoing financial support which allowed us to react nimbly in 2018 and to cover this shortfall now.

The Langmaid’s Protection Fund remains open until we know the outcome of the Phase 1 hearing. It is available if members would like to donate with the corresponding receipt for tax purposes which are mailed in January each year.


Judith Mills
President, Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation

Mary Ann Peden
President, Lake of Bays Association        

Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation, P.O. Box 81, Baysville, ON P0B 1A0, Canada

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